Join the Team
ways to Get involved

Want to help at Overland Expo events on behalf of the Overland Expo Foundation? We're looking for stellar and energetic volunteers to assist on-site at the Foundation booth. Apply for any of the four Overland Expos.

Board Member
Are you an active contributor to or run a business that serves the overland community? Consider being a volunteer board member and contribute your ideas to help us grow our non-profit organization.

Want to participate?
Get involved with the OX Foundation
Join Our Team
The Overland Expo Foundation is looking for stellar people within the overland community to join the team! Bring your expertise and volunteer at one of the Overland Expo events in your area.
Make a donation
Your contribution matters. Funding for the Overland Expo Foundation is supported through raffles, auctions, and individual donations. Find out more info and how you can help support our organization.