Vanessa & Josh first got into overlanding when they purchased their Delica L300. The couple spent some time exploring Canada and all of the great outdoors it has to offer. After some extended vacations in Central America and a honeymoon in Costa Rica, their “Someday we’ll do this” became “What are we waiting for?” and now have a January 1, 2023 launch date to start their journey to Ushuaia, Argentina.
Vanessa says she is really looking forward to Baja and they are planning to stick to the west coast to hone their surfing skills and see as many cool spots as they can. They both really loved Costa Rica and that is about all they have planned for now. Like true wanders, only the 1st month of their trip is loosely planned and are leaving their return date open ended.

They are not taking their time at Overland Expo PNW lightly,
Josh said,”We’re very brand new to this, and this is basically giving us the stepping stones to figure out what we are doing.” “And how to do it safely,” Vanessa added.
Vanessa & Josh both filled up their schedules with classes, Vanessa taking Overlanding on a Budget and Keeping Your Gear Organized on the Road and while Vanessa was busy with her classes, Josh was taking Which Tire is Right for You, Modifying your Vehicle, and a Recovery Class. Driving the Overland Course was a highlight for both of them as their 80 Series LandCruiser is new to them.

Their biggest takeaways from Overland Expo PNW are the skills learned in the classes and the connections that were made. Vanessa said “Be ready to make a lot of friends.”